What is Liberty Hill?
Located in Columbia County, Liberty Hill lies in the foothills west of the Columbia River and north of the city of St. Helens, Oregon. Currently the land is owned by Weyerhaeuser and has been leased to Knife RIver for the mining of basalt rock aggregate. Knife River has proposed th expansion of the Watters Quarry onto 90+ acres of Liberty Hill.
Over 200 acres in size, key features include several acres of intact camas meadow, creating a swath of blue across the entire eastern bluff every Spring. Vernal pools, seasonal streams and waterfalls support a wide variety of wildlife and plant species, many of which are in decline throughout the Pacific Northwest. Native trees, Oregon White Oak and Oregon Ash grow throughout the site making up the backbone of this unique ecosystem. Before the arrival of European settlers, Liberty Hill's meadows and foothills were gently managed and shaped over many hundreds of years by the indigenous tribes of the region. It was here, along with many other sites now long gone, that Camas and many other food and medicinal plants were harvested and game hunted. Today, Liberty Hill is a rare remnant of a historic landscape that was once widespread throughout the Willamette Valley.
Who are the Friends of Liberty Hill?
Since 2018, Friends of Liberty Hill has brought together citizens in and around the Northwestern Oregon region who share a love and concern for this very special place threatened by basalt mining.
In September 2023, Friends of Liberty Hill officially became a 501(c)(3) Oregon nonprofit. Our board of directors is comprised of knowledgeable and dedicated individuals from Columbia and Multnomah County.
Larissa Huson : President/Tresurer
Marianne Nelson : Secretary
Linda Zahl : Director
Dan Cary: Director
Esther Lev: Director
Lona Pierce: Director

Looking North on the old wagon road on Liberty Hill during peak camas bloom in April.